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How to Make Your Saving Style Work for You | The 6 Personality Types of Saving Money | Part Two

Emily Friday

Ever wondered what type of saver you are? Whether you’re the queen of spreadsheets or a bury-your-head-in-the-sand type when it comes to managing your money, your saving style can reveal a lot about you!

In this week's blog, we're jumping into Part Two of our Saving Styles series and going deeper into the six main types of savers (adapted from with how you can make your saving style work for you.

Missed Part One? Click here to first identify your Saving Persona then return to this post to find out how to use yours to your advantage!

1) The Natural

If you're someone who naturally saves money, it's still worth taking some time to focus on it. You might discover ways to make your money work harder for you. Rather than simply leaving your savings in a current or savings account, consider exploring the options for higher returns, for example, by investing. As you know, every little bit counts!

2) The Grafter

As a Grafter, you're dedicated and hardworking: but everyone needs a break sometimes. Automatic Saving Options can be a great way to take some of the manual work off your plate and still save money. You excel at finding great money-saving opportunities, so why not put those skills to work and find the best savings tools out there?

3) The Ostrich

Saving doesn't have to be a constant thought on your mind. As with Grafters, consider exploring the option of automatic saving. By doing so, you can be confident that it's all happening behind the scenes without actively thinking about it - your dream!

You can also simplify other areas of your financial life by using automatic budgeting and cost-saving tools. These tools will handle the calculations and tasks for you, and by taking advantage of these you can easily manage your finances without any hassle.

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4) The Investor

Keep doing what you're doing as long as it's working for you! However, to stay safe, you might want to think about spreading out your investments and finding easier ways to handle them. That way, you won't feel like you're constantly managing your own investment account. But when it comes to account managers, make sure you're monitoring investment platform fees - even small percentages can add up over time.

5) The Goalie

Being able to save money in short bursts like Goalies do is impressive, but it may not be sustainable for long-term goals if every spare penny is being used for immediate savings. As a Goalie, it may be beneficial to use your savings skills to create a plan for longer-term goals that complement your short-term plans while also leaving room for future savings.

6) The Idealist

Be realistic about your savings goals and focus on sustainable saving habits. Find the everyday saving method that works best for you, whether it's automatic roundups or manual saving. Enjoy small but sustained growth without disappointment and help yourself get into the everyday habit of saving up those pennies.

Whatever your saving type, or whether your saving style differs depending on your current circumstances, it's important to remember there is no 'right' way to save - it all comes down to you and your independent needs.

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And if you're looking for a tool to help you on your savings journey, the ImageNPay app can help. With your very own digital prepaid card, you can top up your wallet with the amount of your choice to prevent overspending and help you reach your savings goals in no time!

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