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ImageNPay CEO, Michael, on The Tech Business Podcast

Emily Friday

Thank you to Paul Essery @ The Tech Business Podcast for hosting our CEO, Michael Donald, to discuss the groundbreaking technology behind our app and what we're doing to fight plastic pollution in the Fintech space.

In this episode, Michael discusses:

  • The origins of ImageNPay and our mission vision

  • Connecting people with their passions through moving images

  • Greenwashing from banks and why a plastic debit card is never truly recyclable

  • The importance of financial inclusion and how we're utilising prepaid for good

  • What the future holds for ImageNPay

  • and so much more!

Have a listen on Spotify and check out a preview of the episode below.


Find out more about the ImageNPay story here and see how ImageNPay can help your personal finances or your business.

Fancy a chat with our team about our product or the services we offer? Get in touch with the button below!


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