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Emily Friday

Our CEO, Michael, in Tech-Exec Magazine

In the latest edition of Tech-Exec magazine, ImageNPay CEO Michael Donald talks about his innovative and sustainable journey to digital payment methods - and reveals the alarming statistics surrounding single-use plastics that led to his transition to eco-friendly banking.

Michael launched ImageNPay three years ago as the world's first image-based payment system as a solution to the harmful consequences on our planet from the use of plastic payment cards.

The app allows its users to personalise their digital Mastercard with unique images within the app, compatible for both online shopping and offline with Apple Pay - 100% plastic-free.

In his interview with Tech-Exec, Michael talks about his dreams of making plastic credit and debit cards a thing of the past with this impressive technology. You can read the full feature for free here in the Tech-Exec digital magazine, pages 86-87.

"Together, we could save the cost of issuing and delivering payment cards and protect the environment by eliminating the need for plastic and debit cards, which include toxic materials that are difficult to recycle."

Find out more about how ImageNPay is helping the planet here and visit our Latest News for all our recent news coverage.

Download ImageNPay on iOS today using the button below - Android release coming soon!


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