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Spooky Spending Habits & How to Stop Them | Part 2

Emily Friday

Last week, we shared Part 1 of our Spooky Spending Habits series - the habits that could be seriously damaging your finances if left unchecked.

This week (and on Halloween, no less!) we’re dissecting these habits further to provide you with easy, actionable ways to scare away these habits for GOOD - so that you can stop feeling too afraid to check your bank balance 🫣.

Here are our 7 Spookiest Habits (And How to Stop Them):

1) Relying on Credit Cards

Relying on credit cards to get you by until the next payday - or worse, to cover essentials like rent for the upcoming month - is a dangerous game to play that becomes even more difficult to stop playing.

The best way to end the co-dependent relationship with credit is to remove the temptation altogether. This means removing pre-filled credit card information from websites, apps, and your phone, and Apple Wallet/Google Pay.

If it's not possible to cut up that card for good, reduce your spending limits bit by bit and consider switching to a prepaid card like ImageNPay to help manage your spending. As you can only spend what's on the card, there's no risk of overspending, no interest fees and no racking up further debt.

2) Neglecting Your Finances

We've all been there where the dread of checking your bank account after a big night out is just too much to bear. However, neglecting your finances over the long term is only going to make the problem worse.

First things first, you need to rip off the bandaid and set aside an hour to sit down and take an honest look at your finances: outgoings, income, spending habits, debts etc. Avoidance will only fuel your anxiety! You can then schedule regular budget check-ins to assess your spending over the previous month/how you succeeded or didn't succeed in sticking to your budget.

Bonus tip: Turn on notifications from your banking or budgeting apps to get alerts and breakdowns of your spending.

3) Not Having a Budget

One of the main reasons many of us put off creating a budget is because we don't believe we can stick to it, or we have limiting beliefs surrounding budgets in general e.g. that they're restrictive.

To combat this, work on your mindset and start simple with a method like the 50/30/20 method: 50% of your income goes to needs (rent, bills, food), 20% to savings and 30% to wants (anything else). Most of all, don't restrict yourself too much - set aside some fun money in your budget specifically for all the things you love to do.

You can also use a budgeting app to make things simpler: with the ImageNPay app, you can monitor transactions in real time and dedicate your prepaid card solely to a shopping fund! Click here to find out more.

4) Paying Bills Late

The consequences of not paying your bills or direct debits on time are pretty self-explanatory, but if you're the forgetful type, there are things you can do to avoid that dreaded knock on the door from the debt collector.

Start by marking ALL due dates in both your phone calendar and physical calendar. Ideally, keep this physical calendar somewhere in view within your home so you'll always have a visual reminder of any upcoming bills. You and a friend could also try being each other's 'accountability buddies' to keep each other motivated (and remind each other if needed!).

5) Impulse Buying

Modern technology and online shopping have certainly not made this one any easier, so if you struggle with impulse buying - you are definitely not alone!

To tackle this habit, delay gratification by waiting at least 24-48 before purchasing the item in question. Chances are, you'll probably lose whatever strong urge you had to purchase the item and will likely change your mind about whether you can live without it.

6) Shopping When Emotional

If you find the need to treat yourself to celebrate an occasion or shop around when you're stressed or bored, you may be vulnerable to shopping under the (emotional) influence.

Sometimes this can't be helped, but the best way to deal with these urges is to reach out to a friend when you're feeling particularly tempted and introduce healthier coping mechanisms to deal with the strong emotions e.g. meditation or exercise. It also helps to delete the shopping apps from your phone!

7) Not Setting Achievable Goals

Finally, if you find that you struggle with a lack of motivation when it comes to financial goals or immediately get discouraged when your dreams of becoming rich and successful don't happen overnight, you may need to revisit your long-term goals altogether.

Find out your 'why' when thinking about what you want for the future e.g. to be able to provide for your family/financial freedom to follow your passions. Then set easy, achievable goals to build momentum and confidence.

Take part in a small savings challenge and work your way up - and when you hit a milestone, don't forget to celebrate it! If you need some help getting started, check out our post: The Roadmap to Achieving Your Financial Goals.


If your struggle to gain control of your spending and are looking for a simple, stress-free way to budget, The ImageNPay app can help.

With your very own digital prepaid card, you can set spending limits, personalise your card, and monitor transactions for peace of mind that you'll NEVER overspend again.

To find out more and download ImageNPay today on iOS and Android, just tap the button below!


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